I Quit My Job

Freaking out a little this week because I actually did it…

I actually quit my job.


If you’ve been reading for a while, you know this has been kind of a long time coming. I’ve run Two Story since 2016; it’s gained enough traction over that time to make quitting feel more like a “next step” than a “huge leap.”

But still. For the last 6.5 years, my day job has been working as the Content Strategist at a marketing agency called New North.

It’s a great company run by great people. And it’s taught me a ton.

I’ve gotten to lead marketing projects for Fortune 100 firms and startups. I’ve been mentored by my boss far more than I’ve deserved. Basically, there is no way I’d be where I am today – like, skill-wise, mentally, even physically (they helped me move out here to Denver) – without the company.

And now I’m leaving to focus on Two Story stuff full time.

So yeah – frick. I’m pumped and freaked out.

What this means for you:

Almost nothing haha. Mostly, I just wanted to tell people.

The only potentially relevant thing for you is that, if you’re looking for press promo, I’ll be more available soon – hopefully starting in October/November.

I’ve passed on a lot of projects in the past year and I’m looking forward to doing that less. I’m not exactly sure how much bandwidth I’ll have, but I do know it’ll be significantly more than I’ve had for a while.

So feel free to reach out if you’re targeting an end-of-year release.

And one last thing:

I’m excited to invest more in this newsletter and I want to make it as relevant for you as possible.

Could you reply to this email and let me know:

a) What topics you’d find interesting
b) Any specific questions you have about music marketing

There’s a very good chance I’ll write about them in future sends.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Going to go drink some rooibos tea (it’s an underrated beverage) and try to stay chill.

Wish me luck – I’m definitely going to need it.

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The Bundle

I’ve packaged years of experience running Two Story Melody (a top-ranked music blog) and Two Story Media (a music PR firm) into a book called How to Promote Indie Music.

It lays out a roadmap to better indie music promotion – promotion that doesn’t suck. You can check out the first chapter for free.